I just returned home from the funeral of my Aunt Valorie King. To say emotions have been close to the surface would be an understatement. She passed away after a valiant three year battle with breast cancer and at far too young of age. She is the mother of eight incredible children all of which paid beautiful tributes of her today. They are all strong, independent and such a close knit family.
The first memories I have of my Aunt was when she moved from Arizona to come to BYU. She would visit us often as we lived near the University and I idolized her. She was so fun, and I thought it was so great to be named after someone so young and pretty. I remember one time we went down to her apartment and she made us an apple pie. I think it was her first attempt because when we bit into it all we could taste was cinnamon. I remember her laughing, "oops, I thought it said one cup instead of one TBSP".
After she married her and her husband Todd lived in Utah for a time and as they started their family I was their babysitter. How I loved watching and playing with Brittani, Brooke and Greg. Lots of fun memories of those days. There were many years when their family moved around to other places in the country but I remember how happy we were when they once again settled in Utah and this time for good.
When you think of my Aunt, you can't help but smile. She was sunshine personified. I know of no one else who could find joy in eating a celery stick (she loved vegetables and everything healthy...too bad I didn't inherit that with her name!) She was all that was kind, considerate and charitable. Even as I sit here typing this with teary eyes, I can hear her unique and spontaneous laugh in my mind. I never heard her speak unkindly of anyone, and every time you saw her you were met with the same smile and a great big hug.
As I sat in the audience today and heard her children talk of memories, I was emotional at their loss, but at the same time peace filled my soul as I knew they would all be together again. I am so grateful for my faith, for my knowledge of eternal families, because now as a mother myself, I realize that a lifetime is simply not enough time to spend with those we love. It has to be forever. I love you Aunt Valorie. What a great legacy you have left behind and I feel so blessed and honored to carry your name.
I am including a mission statement she wrote and lived by. I can think of nothing else that can truly show what an incredible woman she was than to share this.
She wrote"
"I believe in being the heart of a peaceful, large, loving family each being special and unique.
I love order and appreciate obedience
I seek to understand and am grateful to be understood.
Relationships are the greatest treasure to me.
I live in such a manner that I like myself and say: I have bridled my appetites with temperance.
I have bridled my passions with wisdom, patience and long suffering.
My pride is lost in my need for the Savior.
I have controlled nothing, allowing freedom and failures with faith and hope.
I have done some kindness daily.
I really want those around me to know their infinite worth.
I love in peace and happiness because I am honest with myself.
5 years ago