I just realized it's been several weeks since I posted. I have no idea where this month has gone. Adjusting to working 20 + hours a week has thrown me for some loops, I must admit. I am still trying to figure out how to merge teaching, mommying and church responsibilities all while staying sane. Ok, it's been a long while since I've been sane but that is beside the point.
I find I am really good at compartmentalizing. The first couple weeks were rough. I couldn't seem to figure out how to be a mom and a preschool teacher at the same time. I forgot to pick up Mark one day at school, and nearly missed Cassie's dance class. One day I actually had to wrestle with the laundry room door to gain access and realized it was feeling neglected. Sometimes dinners have been done on the run, but I'm getting better. One day last week, I came home on time with a smile on my face, made dinner, cleaned the house, remembered all my carpools and even did a couple loads of laundry. Kelly asked how my day went and I announced that it was great! I wore all my hats that day and juggled all the balls I had up in the air, and didn't drop a one!
One thing that has surprised me is how much better I am at managing my time. Some days the busier I get, the more that gets done. I do enjoy having Tuesdays and Thursdays off to have some quiet time while the kids are gone and catch up on things around the house. I do love teaching these 45 little munchkins that rotate into my classroom every day though. They make me feel young as I sit on the floor with them and read stories, sing songs and try to teach them something. Of course getting my body off of the floor is a little more time consuming that it was 15 years ago. :)
Life is good and I feel blessed. Ryan is home this week for the holiday so it's fun to have everyone around the dinner table again. Cassie finished her volleyball season (pictures coming) and did a fantastic job. Josh and Cass managed to get incredible grades their first term and Mark and I had a few less battles over homework. All in all November has been good.
I am looking forward to the Christmas season, it's my favorite time of the year and always passes much too quickly. It seems especially important this year as it will be the last holiday our family will be all together for the foreseeable future.
I think I have rambled on enough for one post. It is nearly 2:30 in the morning but this cough and cold I have acquired recently doesn't cooperate very well with sleep. We will have to work on that. Thanks for making it through this long post and hopefully I can be better at writing this next month.
5 years ago
1 comment:
I am glad you are enjoying teaching! It has been so great having Austin home too. Do you realize we have about 54 days left with them? Just saying. Boo hoo hoo boo hoo hoo.
Have a great Thanksgiving!
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