Sunday, May 8, 2011

mother's day...

Once again, it’s that time of year
when Mother’s Day arrives;
I sit in Sacrament meeting,
listening to the talks and wonder if I’ll survive.
You see, it’s always been difficult
to hear all the stories;
of the many super mom’s
and their amazing glories.
Tales of their service, faith
and leaping buildings in a single bound;
all while speaking in quiet tones and smiling all around.

During those moments,
in quiet reflection I sit;
and feel nothing but
totally and completely inadequate.
So today, when I was starting to slip,
into that comparison pit;
I thought of you and suddenly,
my perspective changed lickety split.
It’s easy to see the good in others,
when we stop thinking of where we fail;
so I’d like to talk about the good you do
and all that it entails.

You were my greatest teacher,
so many lessons I can recall.
I learned how to cook, sew,
and even shop deals at the mall.
You taught me to clean a room
and scour the bath,
change a diaper
and weed a garden path.
All the while,
putting up with my complaining way
and the many times I chose
to simply not obey.

Then were the lessons
that were the most important of all;
Of who I am and
where to turn when I fall.
The value of faith, service
and developing a strong testimony;
of prayer, scripture study
and fulfilling every responsibility.

I never fully understood
how grateful I would be,
of the things you took the time
and effort to teach me.
Until I was off on my own,
ready to take charge of my life;
And then times got challenging
and occasionally filled with strife.
Then I had to rely on truths I’d been taught,
examples of what I’d seen.

In those moments I knew to fall to my knees,
and wait for the spirit to intervene.
It was then I fully realized the blessing
your teaching did impart,
as I’d wait for the peace and comfort
that would always come to my heart.
So on this Mother’s day,
thank you for the memories that made me reflect;
That the importance of being a mother
isn’t found in being perfect.
(or leaping tall buildings in a single bound..I am afraid of heights anyway.)


The Johnsons said...

LOVED THAT!! So sweet! I wonder how you feel so inadequate, when you have such amazing children and all that you accomplish. You feeling like that makes me REALLY REALLY feel inadequate!! I hope I can be a mom like you. You are up on that pedistal just as much as our mom. I love you!!

laurel said...

Happy awesome mother's I am late. But being a mother has kept me seriously busy lately!

You look so beautiful.