Saturday, March 27, 2010

definition of spring....

“Spring” is the word given
to define the time between March and May.
It’s the season that suffers
from an identity crisis is what I want to convey!

Some days are utterly deceitful,
offering hope to one and all;
then wham! winter returns
without permission, as I recall.

You never know what to expect
from day to day, hour to hour;
One minute it’s yard work
and the next it’s a surprise cold shower!

It’s the time of year when the sunshine
is into playing a game;
like peek-a-boo or hide and seek,
which really drives me insane!

I do have a sense of humor
and enjoy an occasional practical joke.
But really, snow in April?
Come on, a smile isn’t what that will provoke.

I’m ready to dust off my sandals,
give my toes some color and shine;
but to also keep boots and hot chocolate handy,
I’m afraid I must definitely decline!

It’s very confusing for a person
such as myself and others too;
what to make of what is outside the window
and all of the hullabaloo.

So mother nature it is past time
for you to decide your identity.
Please choose daffodils and tulips
and things that bring serenity.

After yesterday when the weather abruptly changed between snow and sunshine every five minutes, I am ready to get off this roller coaster called Spring and settle into something calmer. Since Mother Nature is so indecisive, I thought I'd take it on myself to declare winter over! I realize it is wishful thinking on my part, but I thought if I stated my intentions someone might listen! It doesn't work around here very much, but I'm hoping for better luck with Mother Nature!


The Classy Kitchen said...

You definitely get my vote! Winter is OVER!!! Let's get our toes painted!

laurel said...

Seriously! Spring is the craziest time of year, but my favorite!