Ok, I am new to blogland by only a few months, and I have been tagged a couple times and couldn't figure out what that was all about. Today however, I will attempt my first tag (drum role please....) My old (not old as in advanced age, but old as in long time friend :) ) Dione tagged me.
Rules:- link to the person that tagged you, and post the rules on your blog
Share 10 random weird facts about yourself
http://http//seetheseegrists.blogspot.com/ (Here is Dione's blog)
As for 10 random weird facts about myself, I'm not at all random and certainly not weird, :) but here goes.
1. I can tell you the time within a few minutes without a watch or clock.
2. I am an insomniac, I have learned to survive on a few hours of sleep a night. (just don't give me an IQ test in the mornings)
3. I once got stuck in a large garbage dumpster.
4. I was dragged up on stage to learn and perfom a Tahitian dance in front of a large group of strangers. (Who knew my hips could do that!)
5. I don't ever put my keys on the key rack. When I can't find them (which is often), I will look everywhere but there (because I never put them there!). Finally when all my usual stash places have been searched I will call Kelly and he will say, "I put them on the key rack!" I tell him,"how many times have I told you not to do that!!
6. I have a water bottle, snacks and plenty of reading materiel in my van, I am always waiting for my children at one location or another.
7. I love to read and read 3 or 4 books a week. (Middle of the night is my favorite time)
8. I have watched the BBC version of Pride and Prejudice more times than I can count.
9. I am not organized, my children automatically cover their heads when they open a closet or cupboard. It's always wise to watch for falling objects around here. Maybe I should start requiring hard hats.
10. When I was pregnant with Ryan I craved nachos with jalapenos and grapefruit juice. (yes, at the same time-- by the way, I can't stand either anymore...imagine that!)
I tag Melissa, Kim, and my sisters Rachael, Lucy, Cora and Anna.
4 years ago
Um, Um, Um, hope you didn't mean me!!!
I used to have insomnia but I found the cure... have 7 children.
I'll need to pick your brain about what books you like. (You should join goodreads.com)
Ok, ok I will do this, but it will take me all weekend to think up good answers like yours and I peeked at your friend Dione's, too.
PS I want to hear how Sunday's lesson goes, too
Fun! I had no idea about any of those. I think you are joking about not being organized. You really seem that way. I am totally amazed you read 3 to 4 books a week. I don't even do that in a year. You are amazing.
how did you get stuck in the dumpster?(i really have to know)
Daniel and Terri
How is that new baby sister of yours, she is so cute! Are you having fun with your Grandma? I got stuck in a garbage dumpster when I accidentaly threw my car keys in there with a large garbage bag. The dumpster was empty, and I hurried and climbed in and grabbed them but couldn't climb out (there were things to climb on from the outside, but not the inside, oops!) I had to call out to some teenagers playing ball to come rescue me, it was so embarrassing.) Thanks for writing!!
you craved jalapenos wow :)
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