Sunday, September 6, 2009

A Wonderful Day!

Yesterday my baby was baptized. Where have the last eight years gone? Moments like this remind me how precious life is and how quickly time passes. I just want it all to come to a screeching halt, but it isn't to be.

It was such a special day yesterday. Mark had asked Ryan to baptize him, and when I saw them both dressed in white I got tears in my eyes. Mark said the prayer before we left for the church and asked Heavenly Father to help Ryan remember the prayer so he could be the newest member of the church. Kelly did the confirmation and gave Mark a beautiful blessing. It was yet another reminder of what a wonderful man I married and another reason I have to be grateful.

We had so many family and friends attend, which helped make everything all the more memorable. How blessed we are to live near so many incredible people who have supported and helped us through the years. Primary teachers, home teachers, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, neighbors and friends all have played a part in Mark's life and it was amazing as I took a minute yesterday and reflected on the impact all these people have had in our lives. As a parent, you realize quickly that you can't do it alone, and that every positive experience and influence plays such a valuable role.

So thank you to everyone who came and helped make such a wonderful day memorable.


Dione said...

I so understand about wanting life to come to a screeching halt. But then when I look at your picture and see what handsome young men your boys are turning out to be and what a beautiful daughter you have, I think growing up can't be too bad. Right? Maybe if life could just slow down a bit, eh?

The Stanley's said...

Congratulations, Mark! What a great decision you have made. It is so neat that Ryan baptized him. I know that Jonathon and Eric have a special bond because of it and it is a great blessing to Eric while his brother is away on his mission.

Anna said...

What a wonderful day! How special that Mark asked Ryan! I teared up just looking at the picture of the two of them. We wish we were there! Love to you all!

Lucy said...

Val, I am so sad I couldn't be there. It is hard to miss all the family stuff when you are so used to it, especially now that we have no family around to help fill in the gaps. Your kids all look so big and we miss you all so much! Sounds like you had a great day though!!

The Johnsons said...

How special of Mark to chose Ryan!! I wish we could have been there!! I was thinking about you guys! I hate missing out on family memories like that.

What a cute family!! And Val I LOVE LOVE LOVE your shoes. Oh man! :)

Amberly said...

:) that is really so cute. i wish i had an awesome older brother to baptize me! you are an awesome mom for teaching your kids such important things. and thanks for stopping by yesterday,that was so so nice of you, especially since i'm sure you were busy with baptism stuff. it really meant alot to me because i love you so much! thanks for making my day even better. you are awesome!

Melissa said...

I am so glad that Mark's day turned out well. I'm with you that life needs to slow down, I don't know where the time goes. Great pictures of the family!

laurel said...

How wonderful to have Ryan do the baptizing! What an amazing moment. I would have cried too! It is a preview for you for the mission days when Ryan sends home baptismal pictures. I know that just makes time seem like it is going faster, but what a wonderful thing to look forward too.