Monday, September 14, 2009

The Hostage Negotiation

I have had one of those days recently when I feel part mom and part hostage negotiator. Last Friday Mark notices his new birthday toy in Cassie's bedroom and automatically jumps to the conclusion that she has stolen it. Soon the accusations begin and the words liar and thief echo down the hall. The door slams and severe pounding on the door occurs. Instead of giving the toy back to Mark and saying she didn't know how it got in her room, she takes offense at name calling and unjust accusations and shuts the door, promptly taking the toy hostage. Well Mark with growing certainty that this action is proof of guilt, decides to take matters into his own hands and begins to push open and insert his foot into the door to gain entry. Upon reaching the scene, I somewhat calmly asked Cass to return the toy at which point she remarks that I never take her side and dissolves in tears. She promptly thows the toy out into the hall, breaking it and slams the door to illustrate the injustice of the whole situation. Now I have two children in hysterics, one broken toy and a "how do I handle this situation" expression on my face.

They don't teach hostage negotiations in parenting classes. My only previous experience is with the laundry when it takes over the laundry room....usually I have more sucess in that arena; no emotions are involved and usually the only casualties are a few missing socks!


Anderson Clan said...

Ha! Good to hear your children are human. I've been waiting for news of your family's translation for awhile now. So close.... :)

And no, Val, you don't come across as a "perfect family" on your blog. I just know you, Kelly, and your kids.

Melissa said...

Oh Val, you have such a way of writing! Your stories always bring a smile to my face. I especially liked the part about laundry hostage and the casualties being socks. That made me laugh! Thanks for making my night!

laurel said...

That is so funny and it is a relief to see things aren't always perfect at your house!