Friday, November 28, 2008

Fun with the Shimondles

Picture without Harley looking

picture with kids worrying about whether Harley was watching

We are fortunate to have Pete and Ariel Shimondle as friends. They currently live in Texas, and come to visit us at least once a year. The past few days have been one of those visits. They have become part of our family and are so generous with our kids in nice gifts they bring but especially in the time and attention they share. This trip was no exception. They brought the kids an early Christmas present which was the RockBand for the Wii. Needless to say, my kids have been having a blast. They also have listened to their stories, drawn pictures with them and even played with the dog. Kelly and I were able to sneak away with them tonight for dinner and to see the opening night of a Christmas Carol. It was a great way to start the Christmas season. I even decorated my house for Christmas earlier this week....shh don't tell anyone. (I'm one of those people that always criticize the stores when the Christmas trees come out in October)

Kelly rockin' out with the kids

Anyway, I know some of you haven't had the privilege of knowing the Shimondles, but I just wanted to take a minute and record a memory. We are incredibly blessed to have so many great friends and these two are pretty great.


laurel said...

Friendships are a wonderful thing!

Dione said...

Go Kelly!

laurel said...

We are so sad we missed your boys Eagle Court of Honor. Jay's parents were here from Texas and it was their last night in town and it was his mom's b-day. We wished we could have come. We would have loved seeing you in person! Tell the boys we were thinking of them!!!