Thursday, June 2, 2011

class of 2011....

Well he went ahead and did it, he graduated. He didn't ask for permission, or kindly agree to do another year in high school for me, he decided it was time to go on to the next phase in his life and so he did. Since he was very stubborn about the whole thing, I decided I should probably go and support him. However, let me go on the record and say, this went against my whole plan to stop time or at least delay it for a bit.

It is still a bit surreal for me. I know I was there to witness it, I know it's been coming for quite awhile now, I know he is registered for college this fall and yet it is still hard to believe this day has arrived and my oldest, great big teddy bear of a son has graduated. I got a bit teary at times but was proud of myself for holding it together. The uncomfortable seats in the Marriot Center helped distract me, so I guess I can be grateful for that.

I am a proud mom today, I have been blessed with great children, and Ryan is the leader of that pack. It's not easy being the oldest child, I am an oldest child so I know. :) He has put up with my trial and error type of parenting and still managed to do well despite my great learning curve. Every new phase of his life I would tell him, "this is the first time I've been the parent of an eight year old, a teenager, a child who can date, an adult...and so we"ll just need to figure it out together." I have appreciated his humor, obedience, patience and even his scientific mind over the years. I am glad I get this one last summer with him before he goes off to college and then onto his mission. Maybe by then I will have created a time machine that will work. Thanks for the last eighteen years of learning and memories Ryan; and here's hoping the next eighteen move at a slower pace. I'm thinking a snail is a good family mascot.


The Classy Kitchen said...

What a neat day! I can understand the feelings you are having. Just today I was thinking...two more years, then I will be where you are. I know the time will fly. I guess that’s why we just have to remind ourselves to cherish every single day. You are an amazing mom. I love how open you and your children are and how well you communicate. You are also a great aunt. You make all my children feel extra special. Thank you for that. I sure love you!

laurel said...

Amen sister. I know exactly how you are feeling.

He looks great!