Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Happy Birthday Kelly!!

Top Ten Reasons why I'm Glad Kelly is a year older....

10. He always gets to get older first, and if I like how he does it, I'll follow.

9. As you age, your eyes start to go...that means the older he gets, the better I look!

8. As we age our memory weakens, so he won't remember all the stuff I do wrong!
(are we sensing a pattern here?)

7. Banana Cream Pie is easier than decorating barbie and race car birthday cakes!

6. I get an excuse to buy him a power tool to use later in a honey do project.

5. We get to go out to eat so I don't have to cook!

4. I have someone to fix the garbage disposal after I get through breaking it, or kill creepy crawly, scurrying things.

3. I have a shoulder to cry on when I'm having a mom pity party!

2. I get to hold a hand during scary parts in a movie, or just any darn time I want!

1. I get another year of unlimited hugs, kisses, smiles, laughter and winks from an incredible man.

As you can see, I am very selfish about Kelly having birthdays. I know I get more presents than he does! Kelly I love you so much and I'm grateful for every year we get to celebrate wrinkles, gray hair and uncooperative joints together (as long as you always have them first)!!


laurel said...

Happy b-day!!1 I think you look great at your age.;)

The Brown Family said...

I love your tribute to Kelly, Val. Happy Birthday Kelly!


Kristin said...

I had to laugh when I read your post about Kelly, cause Rob just barely finished fixing the disposal after I accidentallly broke it. Husbands sure come in handy! I hope it was a happy b-day!