Wednesday, November 24, 2010

count my many blessings...

Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it. ~William Arthur Ward

I do not express my gratitude nearly enough. I have a lot of wrapped presents in my closet that need to be given, so I thought I would take a minute tonight, and give a few away.

I am so grateful for:

An incredible family who has a front row seat to all my mistakes and weaknesses and yet loves me anyway.

A home, although covered in scratches and dents, keeps us warm and safe.

A full pantry and fridge that contains chocolate as well as vegetables.

A scar on my neck that shows the miracles of modern medicine and serves as a daily reminder of the blessing of health and strength.

This old body of mine, that has more creaks than an old floor, but still gets me where I want to go.

A mind that occasionally misplaces things, but can compute sales in a flash.

Sunshine, after a day of storms.

A hug from my little guy and a high five from my teenager.

My children, my greatest teachers.

A good book and a bathfull of bubbles.

A vacuum cleaner, washing machine, dishwasher all in working order.

The many hands who continually reach out in small and large ways and make such a profound difference in my life.

The seasons, which change right before you get tired of each one.

A new pair of shoes (that were on sale!)

My faith and beliefs which strengthen me through hard times, and gives me hope in a world where it is hard to find.

A Savior who bestows true empathy and compassion.

My Heavenly Father who loves me even when I forget to be grateful.


laurel said...

Happy Thanksgiving! Love your list. I love the new shoes too...the sale makes them even better!

I am grateful I know you!

The Stanley's said...

Loved that last line.... hope your thanksgiving was a very happy one!