Wednesday, November 17, 2010

You know it's going to be a long day

when you:

Put the clean clothes that just came out of the dryer, in the washer; put dirty clothes in the dryer; turn them both on and walk away.

Put leftover lasagna in the microwave for ten minutes instead of one and not realize it until after there is an explosion.

Clean out the microwave after a lasagna explosion.

Collect your mail on a very windy day, then not hold on to it tightly.

Run after bills as they zip across the cul de sac.

Remove all shelving and storage containers from the fridge to clean it, then struggle with reassembly. (Ok, so it's been awhile since I did this particular task!)

Lose patience with the kids as they leave socks and backpacks on the floor, destroy the kitchen, refuse to clean their rooms and do homework and then say, "Jeez mom, why are you angry today?"

Out of chocolate and bubble bath.

Yesterday was a looong day and as you can see I didn't fare very well. Today is going better, although the house is still peaceful and quiet for three more minutes, then I will be invaded with more dirty socks, back packs and dishes. On the bright side, the lasagna is gone so the microwave is still clean!


The Stanley's said...

Did all of that really happen to you in one day? You poor thing. It was such a fun post though!

Kristin said...

What I want to know is, how could you let yourself run out of chocolate? You need to get an emergency stockpile! ha-ha!

laurel said...

Fantastic! Sorry, to have a chuckle out of your bad day, but it is nice to know I am not the only one with looooong days!