Thursday, August 5, 2010

isn't it ironic...

You are always wearing a white shirt when you open a can of tomato sauce and it leaps out to greet you.

A gallon of orange juice always falls on the just mopped kitchen floor.

Homemade ice cream, swimsuits and non camouflage clothing fall in the same season!

The pattern socks are always the ones that get lost in the laundry.

You run into someone you haven't seen in decades only when you go to the grocery store in sweats, frizzy hair and no makeup.

Company shows up only when your house is a mess! ( I need an enter at your risk sign instead of a welcome sign on my front door.)


Rachael Anderson said...

Castle would argue that it's coincidence, not irony. :) As usual, love your post!

Kristin said...

Hey, I can relate with every single one of those. Especially the last one. I always need at least three days notice if anyone comes over!

The Johnsons said...

I love reading your blog. I laugh everytime.

laurel said...

Amen. Seriously, up is up with the Murphy's Law?

Melissa said...

That is why I NEVER mop my kitchen floor, because as soon as I do, without fail, someone will spill all over it. (Usually sticky pop or Kool-aid---never water!)