I have had the wonderful opportunity to be around some elderly people recently. They make me smile even though I only spend a few minutes with each one. One couple is especially my favorite. They have been married for 63 years. She is delightful, always so happy and cheery. Although her health isn't that great, she is probably the happiest person I have ever met. She doesn't just radiate, she sparkles!
Today she told me that God's greatest creation was a human being and she would like to meet each one and say hello. She sits on a glider in her carport with her oxygen tank and walker nearby and calls out a greeting to each person that passes by. She says she is surprised that people keep coming back. I have only known her for a few weeks and I feel like an adopted part of her family. She told me today that the first time she met me she knew I had a good heart. "It's all in the eyes, you have kind eyes and so I knew we'd be friends"
I told her today that every time I leave her house I have a smile on my face. She responded, "is it because I told you a joke?" I said, "no, tell me a joke" She smiled all the way to her eyes and replied, "oh sorry, I don't know one!" Then she just slapped her leg and chuckled. She told me her husband is such a wonderful man and don't I think he is so handsome for an old guy? Apparently she is making a list of all her friends who want to marry him if she goes before he does. She laughed and told me, "I always tell them, you better be nice to me or else you are off my list!" I am just smiling while I type this.
So many times today, people don't make contact with other people. We are always in a rush, and sometimes, even rude to those around us. I know I rarely make eye contact with people I meet. I'm always thinking ahead of what I want to buy, or the things I need to do. I might get impatient in a checkout line instead of smiling and saying hello to the person in front of me who is using a hundred coupons. I wonder why we rush. There is a favorite scripture of mine in Psalms. "Be still and know that I am God" I am not still enough. I don't take time to appreciate what is around me or even take a moment for a smile and a hello once in awhile.
Edna has taught me to do that. Today I smiled and said hi to a couple of people I walked by. They looked a bit surprised but returned the greeting. Just doing that small thing made me slow down a bit and appreciate the fact that little gestures can bring big changes. So this sweet woman might not know any jokes but her words of wisdom and sparkling disposition will always make me smile.