Tuesday, June 1, 2010

lessons in nature...

I was weeding my flower beds today and thinking that there was a good reason I wasn't Eve. I would have never relented and purposely chose to have weeds in my life! I am not sure there is an example of faith and obedience stronger than that! :)

Who named morning glory? There is nothing glorious about it. Mine is getting wise and hitting the rose bushes particularly hard because who is going to go into the thorns and remove it? What about those prickley things, nothing says welcome to my garden more than those! They look like some living torture device just daring someone to try to get close. I have yet to meet a glove that can withstand it. Don't even get me started on the grass that doesn't respect boundries and gets greedy conquering new territory. How much space does it need?

Ok, so once again I had too much time on my hands as I was wandering about my yard today. I need an ipod or something apparently, when my mind has a moment things get a little crazy. I might have even been mumbling some not very nice things under my breath. At any rate, as I was weeding I realized that I was giving way too much attention to these uninvited guests and in my frustrated haste, I was failing to notice all the new flowers blooming in my garden.

I think that is how life is some days. I get so caught up in the prickley, unwelcome troubles that I forget to admire the beautiful things around me. I also realize that after I toil and struggle in the dirt, I appreciate the flowers all the more. Perhaps if weeds didn't exist I would take the beauty of flowers for granted. The scriptures talk about how there needs to be opposition in all things and I think I understand that a little bit more today. I learned a lesson in the dirt. Despite how much I hate to admit it, even weeds have a purpose. Eve was pretty smart indeed. Although if they stay gone for awhile, I won't object too much!
(This post is for all those wonderful people I know that despite all the terrible weeds that come into their lives, never fail to not only enjoy the beauty around them, but also share it with others. I have much to learn from you.)


Kristin said...

So true! I'll remember that next time I'm out weeding. I still have lots of weeds to tackle!

The Hurst Family said...

Wonderful thoughts. I've gotten many insights while toiling in my yard through the years. I have often wondered if the real reason the prophets have counseled us to plant a garden is for the lessons we learn more than the food. I'm happy to have both.