Friday, May 28, 2010

last week of school.....

Wow! What a crazy, busy, fun week this has been, especially in the Elementary School. It has been a whirlwind. I have had fun seeing Mark and Cass in their various activities.

First up was the Manila Dance Festival. This is a tradition every May where each grade learns a dance and they perform it for the school. Mark's class danced to a Tarzan song, "Trashing the Camp" and Cassie's grade danced to one from High School Musical.

Next was the Talent Show. Every year students can try out for the talent show either individually or in a group. They only choose a handful of those that try out. I was proud of Cassie, her best friend Aubry and two other little girls from the neighborhood. They chorigraphed a dance number completely by themselves. It had cute stunts and fun moves. They worked so hard and made the show. They raided our costume box and found some cute outfits. They were a blast to watch! She didn't get these moves from me, that's for sure. I have two left feet!

Cassie did her sixth grade Graduation Walk this morning. It was sad to think she is leaving Manila Elementary and moving on to Jr. High. Where did the time go? I am not ready for her to grow up. She is sad to leave, but is looking forward to new adventures with her friends.


Melissa said...

Okay, you sounded a lot more positive about the last week of school than I would have. You forgot the part where we have to get them to school at 8 AM, even on this fabulous last day!

I can't believe I didn't see you at the dance festival.....I felt like I was there all day!

You are my hero to have such a good attitude! :)

Kristin said...

What a busy week. I don't know about you, but I'm ready for a little break! It looks like your kids had a great time, though!