Wednesday, October 6, 2010

search and rescue...

We tackled the basement last Saturday. This is a big feat considering it has become the family black hole. Things that go down there rarely are seen again. Our basement isn't finished, so it's used mostly for storage. But we do have some remnant carpet thrown down with a couch, tv and some toys so it does get some use from the kids when it's not too cold.

Saturday we decided a major purge session was in order, so off we went. One big pile for Deseret Industries, and one for garbage. Three hours later, we were finally seeing progress. Ryan took the DI stuff out to the back of the truck. Cassie, who was playing with a cousin, came down to discover operation declutter. Since she has a strong emotional attachment to everything, she began secret search and rescue missions to and from the truck. We finally apprehended her red handed and put a stop to it. However, how many things she was able to save and hide is still a mystery. I think we made a mistake in taking her to Toy Story 3 this summer!


marshallmadness said...

My kids have been down in your basement, and we still have them, so not everything gets lost. And I can relate to Cassie's attachment. That's my girls for sure and all the kids basically when we have a junkectomy day. Keep up the good work.

Kristin said...

It feels so good go de-junk! I am like Cassie, though, and get way to attatched to my kids toys, and I'm not even the one playing with them. After I saw Toy Story 3, I swore I would never again throw away a baby doll. Sad, but true!

Kristen said...

I have been trying to clean out things over the last month, it feels so great to dejunk!

laurel said...

That is so funny about Cassie! I can just see her. I think you are mighty amazing to tackle a whole basement! I don't even dare do my junk drawer.