Wednesday, September 15, 2010

man of the house....

Ry, Josh and Kelly have had busy schedules and were gone last night when I headed out to mow the lawn. After a few rows, Mark comes hopping out while tugging on his last shoe and announced, "Mom, I am the man of the house tonight so you go sit down and I'll mow the lawn!"

After watching him wrestle with the heavy mower for a few minutes and seeing the water breaks extending with each pass on the lawn, I took over and finished. What a cutie.


Kristin said...

That's so awesome!

Anna Marks said...

What a good boy! And a good Mom. I have never gone out to mow the lawn on my own. That was a boy job at our house growing up, so I have no idea how to do it right. I did have Seth teach me once just so I could say I did it. Haven't been out there since.

laurel said...

Hee Hee Hee

Kristen said...

Love it!

The Johnsons said...

That was one job I hated growing up. Now I actually like it. Go figure. :) But what a good boy. I love sweet moments like that. It shows you are a great mom to teach him that. Miss you guys

The Classy Kitchen said...

Val, that is an adorable story! What a little man you are raising!