Monday, April 19, 2010

own little world...

I just realized I never posted on Josh's birthday over a month ago!! What a terrible mom I am. I love Josh. He makes me smile no matter what I'm doing. His crazy sense of humor gets me through tough times. He is very talented, he can figure out how things work and design ways to fix things that I had never thought of. He will make a good engineer someday. I can't believe he is 15! He has his learning permit and always wants to go driving. He is pretty goood already! He is an awesome student and gets great grades in hard classes. I love Josh because sometimes things are hard and he has learned to make it through tough times with faith and strength.

I have to include one of the off the wall silly things he has said recently. They just fly out of his mouth without thought and we all laugh. On our trip Josh was being goofy as usual and I remarked that he was in his own little world. He promptly remarked, "yep...population me....and a billion fans!" that is pretty true I think. Even if Josh is in his own little world most of the time, I'm glad I get to visit and be one of his adoring fans!


The Johnsons said...

You forgot make up his own lingo. Like "It is dese." (as in good or descent) I don't even know how you would spell it, so maybe ask him. :)

Anna said...

Such a good boy, my he is growing up! Happy Birthday Josh, we love you!

Plumptom said...

Happy B-day! Two kids that can drive? Scary. I think Joah is pretty funny too, at least from the things you post on the blog. He seems to have a quick wit.

Dione said...

I've been enjoying reading what's been going at the Christensen home these last couple of months (I've really been out of it lately). I love the Prom/egg story! That's too funny. I just love you!