Saturday, January 16, 2010

January blues....

You know it's January when....

you are finally tired of Christmas music.

winter weather is no longer fun.

the treadmill comes out of hiding and you go into hiding.

you want to put a swimsuit and sunglasses on a snowman.

chocolate is exiled.

Mark asks if we can make hot chocolate Popsicles.

Cassie finally puts her short sleeve shirts and flipflops away.

you start longing for anything living in your yard, even morning glory almost sounds good. (I did say almost!)

you have high motivation for goal setting, and you don't have to think about the goal completing part.

you think that bears have it right with the hibernating thing.

you countdown to Valentines Day when chocolate is allowed again! :)

I don't know about you but I have a hard time with the month of January. I keep trying to find things to post about and feel very uninspired. The gray days seem to hamper my mood and I start to long for bright colors and sunshine. I am about ready to go buy neon window treatments just so I can look at something other than gray. Maybe I will have to break out the chocolate early. :)


Rachael Anderson said...

You're so funny, Val. You really would make the perfect author. I'm feeling some inspiration coming on...Hey, maybe starting a book would get you through the next few winter months!

My favorite was dressing up the snowman. :)

Anna said...

A Nice stay at the All Inclusive Marks Family Resort & Spa in Vail, AZ ought to fix your January blues. We have accommodations from two to six with a full breakfast, lunch and dinner provided. Shopping is only minutes away and we are working on the cuisine, but most of the guests consider it adequate. But the sunshine and company would do you good. It's only a plane ride or one day drive away! And if you come, we might even heat the pool!

The Andersons: said...

You and me both Val! Except that I've already broken out the chocolate! You want to meet for lunch some day. I'm make Matt stay home and watch the boys...or we can go on MWF and I'll just have Sam!!

The Stanley's said...

I think we were feeling the same things on Saturday! I too am ready to get on to February!!

Amy, Dan and Ryan said...

You should come visit in AZ. I've gotta say, it's been beautiful. Also, I know I need to re-invite you to our blog, but I can't seem to find your email address. Please send it to me at if you still want the invite. Thanks!

The Classy Kitchen said...

See, there you go crack me up! You have such a funny way of saying things that just rings so dang true!!! I think we can all relate to January days. Although, I think February is worse!

laurel said...

AMEN, sister!!!!

Peggy Knighton said...

How fun to get back on your blog! I just made up some hot fudge sauce to go on vanilla ice cream (sorvette)! It was sooooo good! .....just can't stay away from chocolate!!

So sorry about your winter days....we are enjoying the best weather here!

Dione said...

January wouldn't be so blah if you didn't make those "no chocolate" New Year's resolutions! Down here where I live it's brown all the time! But at least I'm able to take comfortable walks in a jacket all winter.