Wednesday, January 5, 2011

van vs garbage can

garbage can 1....van 0

Today was garbage day. Kelly took out the cans to the curb. There was a pile of ice and snow near the curb so he placed them partially in the driveway assuming I would see them and back around. What was he thinking? Hasn't he been married to me for nearly 20 years?

I should backtrack and explain that due to my driving skills, sprinkler heads in the flower beds banking the driveway are nearly extinct. Once Kelly bought a four foot reflector on a pole and put it in the corner of the flowerbed and driveway, thinking that would help my backing skills. One day I backed right over it and it popped right back up, much to his chagrin and the entertainment it brought to my neighbors who were all visiting nearby. Kelly has hung a tennis ball from a long rope in the garage ceiling in hopes of my van staying on it's side of the garage. At least twice a week he has to repark my car so he can get in. Since I am confessing my sins, I should probably mention the time (it was ten years ago) that I backed out and clipped his truck which was new at the time. It put a small dent and a deep scratch along the side.

I need to clarify that I always look for children and moving objects behind me, but I am not so great with boundaries, or objects that stay in one place. I could blame it on genetics. My mom once backed over a light post three feet into the yard. And my younger sister has single handedly taken out multiple garage doors and her in laws car. All in all, Kelly lucked out with me, don't you think?

Note: I did order a new taillight and it will take a dent out of my shoe and chocolate budget. :( I am sure next week Kelly will put the cans across the street. I haven't wandered that far yet.


The Stanley's said...

You're adorable. (and I loved your Christmas photo)

The Brown Family said...

I'm with you. At least now I have two daughters who drive so Lee has to question for a moment who-did-it when something is hit :)


The Classy Kitchen said...

Thanks for not mentioning names in that post Val! I've always wanted to be like you in many way, however, I'm not sure this one was on that list! Oh well! Gotta start somewhere!

laurel said...

I am so sorry.....but I am laughing so hard! Hilarious!!!!!!!!

Kristin said...

I always love your posts. You are so funny. We also have a lot in common with the driving!

Delayne said...

Too cute, and yes I have taken out a sprinkler or two or three? The worst was when I asked Chris to repair the sprinkler I took out and he left the blue glue can on the curb. Now there is the eternal blue splat to remind me of the driving skills I have.

The Johnsons said...

I LOVE YOUR POSTS!!! It time to update again though!! :) I love laughing along with you!! We miss you guys!